Gift vouchers valid in our Beautycenter

Gift vouchers valid at our beauty center

Would you like to offer a gift voucher for in our beauty center?

Yes you can!

Add the gift voucher to your shopping basket and we will personally deliver the gift voucher festively wrapped to your home only if you are living in the Druivenstreek (Overijse, Hoeilaart, Tervuren & Huldenberg) (or you can of course come and collect it yourself in our beauty center).

(Gift vouchers are delivered to your home, if the gift voucher needs to be sent, it will be sent digitally)


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HydroPeptide Polypeptide Collagel+ Mask for eyes - singe unit For Free at the purchase as from € 250* of HydroPeptide products

* till end of stock, limited stock, max 1 piece per customer, reductions included.

Free luxurious velvet trousse as from € 180* of Estime & Sens products

* till end of stock, limited stock, max 1 piece per customer, reductions included.

free Sothys travel-size product as from € 180* of Sothys products


* till end of stock, limited stock, max 1 piece per customer, reductions included.

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